The job of the mixer is to work with the producer and complete the audio once all the lines have been turned in. The producer organizes the single, essentially, and the mixer's job in the end is to take the colour-coded lyrics from the producer and mix the audio down.
Able to mix. Well. (This means, in rhythm, able to do volume adjustments, process dynamics, add reverb/echo, etc)
Work with the producer and keep a copy of all the files of the lines that come in for the single.
Able to read the colour-coded lyrics and mix accordingly.
Once the file is mixed down, submit the audio and lyrics to Renna [helloprochorus/] for the video editing
Be active in general :3
Submit 2 pieces where you have mixed a piece. If you must submit a solo fandub, please make sure the other one is a group fandub. This sees how close the timing of your mixing is as well as effects added on. If you have mixed AND produced the pieces yourself, you may also want to try auditioning for the producer auditions.
Youtube Username:
Name on image tag:
Image on tag:
2 submissions:
If you have never submitted lines before and you are accepted as a mixer, you will have your own image tag made for you.