Solar Energy: What’s In It For You?
You have seen it on televisions and you have read about it in newspaper; and you know what solar energy is. But, the big question is: “Why should you go for Solar Energy?” What’s in it for you?
Here are the top 3 reasons why you should be using solar power:
Save money through cutting your energy bills: Just think of the amount of heat energy that is typically used in a UK home. With boilers being used for heating water and for central heating, you end up paying huge gas bills. Similarly, your electricity bills too can be quite burdensome.
With the energy costs rising rapidly, you can expect the energy bills to drill a larger hole in your pocket in times to come. So, it makes a lot of sense to use the free solar energy for heating as well as lighting/electric purposes. Save that money for your future or just spend it for fun.
More savings through government incentives: The UK government too is advocating the case of solar energy power very heavily. There is the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for Solar Thermal (ST) and you have Feed-In-Tariff (FIT) payments for Solar Photovoltaic (PV). These incentives are really making it worth the effort.
Saving the environment: You can also make your own contribution towards saving the environment and preventing global warming by using solar energy. Since solar energy (like wind energy and other renewable sources of energy) doesn’t produce any harmful effect on the environment, you are effectively saving your children and yourself from the disastrous effects of global warming.
Something to be proud of: As a proud owner of a solar energy system, you can even boast about it with your friends and family. It is really something that you should be proud of.
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