Planning your perfect lawn in the great state of Texas offers a variety of grasses, each unique to the four climates across the state. Most of the favorite grass species are homogeneous with the spring or summer planting and at a dept of 1/4 to 1/2 an inch below the surface of the soil. Certain grasses thrive in the region's select weather conditions, so be sure you have chosen your lawn seeding carefully to allow a robust growth with minimal maintenance. And if you need a head start with your options, take a look at the Texas Top 10:
1. Native Buffalo Grass
Native Buffalo Grass is the ideal choice for seeding your landscape with minimal care and maintenance. This low growing, curly shaped species is resilient in extreme hot and cold temperatures and prefers a planting in firmer soils. The tufted growth patterns adds drama and dimension to any landscape, yet requires low irrigation outside of the warmer months. The Native Buffalo species makes a nice appearance and is a good match for adding a few colorful wildflowers to the mix.
2. Southern Plains Native Grass
The Southern Plains native grass grows well in central Texas and may be used for ornamental or eco-friendly use. This graceful beauty can reach a height of 36 inches and is another fine choice for wildflower mixing over a large acreage.
3. Ryegrass
The ryegrass comes in a variety species, one of which is a Texas favorite for turf grasses. The delicate sheaths grow upwards and collapse into a graceful fold, with the glossy green shading on the underside. Ryegrasses prefer moist soil and thrive in stable climates that do not suffer extreme heat or cold.
4. Tall Fescue
The Tall Fescue grass does well in the Texas northeast regions and holds up well in hot temperatures. You can count on this species to be shade tolerant and thrive with a rich green color all year round. In addition to the pure Tall Fescue, blended seed varieties such as Kentucky Bluegrass and Ryegrasses make a nice appearance for any lawn. If you have exceptionally shady areas and wish to blend in a tailor-made variety, try adding Bonny Dunes Fescue Blend, Chewings Fine Fescue or Creeping Red Fine Fescue for minimal maintenance and dramatic results.
5. Weeping Lovegrass
The Weeping Lovegrass species grows in ornamental bunches, adding drama and flair to a special corner of your landscape. This beauty sprouts leaves of up to twenty inches in length and can stand up to four feet at full maturity. This South African import has adapted well in the United States and prefers to thrive in the southwest Great Plain region
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